Thursday, February 18, 2021

Life Vs Fiction


Articles that caught my eye this week,

Mark Williams from The New Publishing Standard wrote a personal note to his readers this week. Mark lives in The Gambia and gathers up all the publishing news from the rest of the world. His internet has been down for a month and he shared where he works, a nursery school for the poorest children, and the importance of books. Amazing and inspirational. 


Why we need tragic stories now more than ever, an article by Vaughn Roycroft got me thinking about tragedy. I try to run from these stories and films but maybe I am doing myself a disservice. These could be an important release valve.


Publishing Perspectives has an article on a new and improved ordering system for booksellers that promises sparkles all around. Meanwhile, they also published an article detailing the ups and downs of The Hay on Wye Literary Festival. I wasn’t aware that the festival had pop-ups in other countries. This might not be so good when your brand gets tainted by bad actors, including the founder.


Kris Rusch has an interesting blog post on writing deadlines and how having them gives her life focus and energy and measurable productivity. Do you schedule your life around deadlines? How often? Yearly? Quarterly? By the project? 


David Gaughran is a fount of information. He has a great YouTube channel as well as great articles on publishing and marketing books. Recently he posted an article on 9 ways to unleash the power of free in 2021. He is well worth reading and keeping an eye on.


If you are nibbling away at book marketing trying to make sense of it (and who isn’t these days…) Bookbub published an article showcasing the best ads that came across their platform last year and how the authors used them.


Reedsy has a comprehensive article on how to be a better writer- 20 hacks and tips… 


In The Craft Section,

Avoiding Change -What’s stopping our characters- Jami Gold - Bookmark

Writing Sprints -  Joan Hall -Bookmark

Keeping it real when writing descriptively- Dave King- Bookmark

2 Great posts from Janice Hardy 5 minute fix to jumpstart your scene and 

4 mistakes that doom your first page Bookmark Both


In The Marketing Section.

Two interesting posts on Authors using Twitter- Writing Twitter Bio’s from Belinda Pollard and How I landed a book deal using Twitter- Pam Mandel

5 reasons you should speak for free- Sandra Beckwith - Bookmark

Why hiring a freelance publicist is a good idea- Patricia Smiley

Identifying your reader- Christina Delay- Bookmark

Amazon book promotion preorder infographic- Penny Sansevieri- Bookmark


To Finish,

Valentine’s day was celebrated this week with interesting posts from Romance writers everywhere on the subject of… romance. And then there was this hilarious post from Tara Sparling on why you should never live with a fictional romantic hero during a pandemic.





Star Light will be reverting to its usual price soon, so pick up a copy while it's still cheap. A review would be awesome, thank you.


Do you want the best of my bookmarked links in a handy monthly newsletter? When you subscribe you will also get a nifty mini book crammed full with marketing notes as a thank you. 

If you like the blog and want to shout me a coffee, hit the coffee button up top. I appreciate the virtual coffee love. Thanks.


Pic: Flickr Creative Commons – Lore Sjoberg


Thursday, February 11, 2021

Writer Care

In Publishing News this week…

Publishing Perspectives published a think piece from Richard Charkin on how Brexit will change the British publishing industry. Richard points out that British publishers will no longer have EU rights – and that now is the time to think and act globally and to support their writers in utilising worldwide English rights. It’s amazing to me that some publishers haven’t figured out they can publish everywhere on the same day. 


Joanna Penn had a great interview with David Farland this week. It’s a must-listen/read. David talks about changes he is seeing in publishing with hybrid authors, Kickstarter campaigns, and much more. David mentioned in passing seeing contracts that asked for All formats existing now and to be invented. Deal Breaker Alert.


There is a new App on the block- Bookship – Create a virtual book club for friends and readers to stay in touch with your writing and reading. It looks like an app variation of Goodreads but with a book club setting. 

In Indie News: D2D is now offering Payment splitting for collaborators!


This week I seemed to be reading lots of articles on writer self-care. This is a reflection of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Blues and Covid lockdown. 

Sofia Koutlaki at The writer recently published an article on how writers can cope a long dark winter indoors.


K M Weiland recently wrote an interesting article on overthinking your writing. Are you guilty of perfectionism? Is your ego getting in the way?


Meanwhile, Dean Wesley Smith was wrestling with another kind of problem- The Disorganized Writer. Where did you put that story from a few years ago… can you find it in your files?


Are you suffering from the Dunning Kruger effect in your writing or is it the well-known Valley Of Despair? Scott McCormick writes on how you can tell that your writing is not as terrible as you think it is.


After you have navigated the minefield of writing tripwires, it might be time to recognize the writing habits that work best for you. Gary Smailes has a look at how other writers developed habits and then breaks down the way to become successful in your own writing habits.


Angela Ward writes about 10 tools to help you stay more productive in your writing. Fantasy Name generators to description ideas for inspiration. Check it out.


In The Craft Section,

Tips for writing rising action- Katherine Grubb

Beginning your story too soon- K M Weiland- Bookmark

How do you know your novel is ready to publish- Anne R Allen - Bookmark

Building a bridge from the beginning to the main conflict- Jami Gold - Bookmark

5 easy ways to get more writing done in less time- Sean Platt


In The Marketing Section,

March Madness marketing for Books- Sandra Beckwith

Tips on using Linkedin for authors- Marika Flatt

10 surefire strategies for promotion before publishing- Penny Sansevieri- Bookmark

Street teams: How to smoothly run them for success- Angela Ackerman- Bookmark


To Finish,

Shanna Swendson wrote a guest post over at Fiction University - Keep Your Writing Routine From Becoming A Rut. How often have you felt like you were dragging yourself to your desk? Have you lost the joy of creation? Now might be the time to change up a few habits and get re-inspired again.





Do you want the best of my bookmarked links in a handy monthly newsletter? When you subscribe you will also get a nifty mini book crammed full with marketing notes as a thank you. 

If you like the blog and want to shout me a coffee, hit the coffee button up top. I appreciate the virtual coffee love. Thanks.



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