Friday, August 1, 2014

Up and Down

This week in the publishing’s all about Amazon going public about their dispute with Hachette. Of course then the second guessing fills social media sites and news sites as everyone tries to find an angle… because contract negotiations between mega corporations don’t get boiled down to a couple of explanatory paragraphs… do they? Bloomberg News took the objective angle. 

Mike Shatzkin looks at digitizing back lists and what publishers should be doing. This is an important post by Mike who is calling publishers to up their game.

Futurebook examines subscription services with a warning to publishers.

Writer Beware looks at some sticky agent contracts…can they take a piece of future writing if you self publish?

Huffington Post has an interesting article on whether having books free is damaging to the writer.

Jane Friedman hosts Angela Ackerman talking about writer business plans. This is a great post.

The Big Bigger Biggest Children’s writing conference kicks off this weekend in LA (SCBWI,LA14) Check in to their blog…(on the right in my blog list) which runs all weekend for a virtual taste of what’s on offer.

In the Craft Section,

In the Marketing Section,

To Finish,
Two years ago Jane Friedman addressed a conference where she outlined what she saw coming and what publishers needed to do about it. She has just made that presentation available...How close was she to what we have today...


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