Showing posts with label Glimmer Train. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glimmer Train. Show all posts

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Looking After Number One

This week I have been reflecting on the way the Amazon rankings of Indie authored books have become a de facto filtered slush pile for big Traditional publishers. This week Penguin Random House offered a 7 figure deal to that rabbit book which stormed up the Amazon charts last week to number one.

Porter Anderson has an interesting article on crowd sourcing publishing platform Pubslush and publisher Colbourne Communications joining forces. Porter looks at these new models of publishing. This is high end collaboration, an interesting way forward in the modern publishing world.

Dean Wesley Smith has some pointed comments on the publishing business. What other industry has English Majors negotiating contracts.

M Louisa Locke has carefully examined her marketing strategy and compared it with the previous year. The results surprised her. Here she explains what she found out. The unexpected effects of a perma free strategy.

Jami Gold has a great post on Author Self Esteem. Why don’t we value what we do? Why do we feel a fraud for putting work out there? This is a bookmark post... and you must read the post that inspired it!

In the Craft Section,

In The Marketing Section,

To Finish,
Glimmer Train Journal recently published an opinion piece by Carmiel Banasky. Do we become better people as we become better writers? It is an interesting article on writer self care and how we should be looking after Number One.


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