Friday, July 25, 2008

The love affair with the novel...

For all the writers out there...this perfectly describes the writing process... Written by Libba Bray on her blog site last week.

Slightly over the top but absolutely hitting the nail on the head.

Here is a small taste...go to her site to read the rest...

Look at all my pretty ideas. Aren't they pretty? That one's a good dancer but that one has gorgeous eyes and a car. And that one, the intellect of Spock and he gets all my jokes. I like that one. So intriguing. Yes, I'll pick that one.

OMG, y'all. My book and I went out again yesterday, and you know what? My book is so, so clever! Seriously. It was only our third date and it brought me fresh metaphor. I know, right? I wasn't expecting that at all. Plus, my book is so easy to talk to--it never feels like work. We just relate sooo well. I think this could be something special. I'm seeing my book again tomorrow. I can't wait.

libba bray is a genius....

by the way I'm at the copy edit stage.

1 comment:

Johanna Knox said...

That's a great article. I can relate to that, except my problem is that I'm fickle. I fall in love with ideas easily, but find it harder to maintain the relationship! Just when I'm getting to know an idea really well, an exciting newcomer catches my eye ...

I'm trying to teach myself to be faithful, to ignore all the other attractive ideas out there, in order to have any hope of getting anything finished ...

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