Friday, July 11, 2008

works in progress

a work in progress is called a WIP....

I often think it should be spelled WHIP.

It sits in the back of your mind while you are doing other can hear the faint crack anf feel the flick of the WIP as you chant to yourself... I'll just do that or this and then I'll get to you....hang minute...just wait....soon...

and so it goes on...

My own particular WIP has been flicking me for a couple of months now as I stack up other projects in front of it. Storylines...National conference of children's writers and illustrators (we have to find a shorter name...)I'm writing the funding submission for that project...with help!

my book launch and blogs and general household mayhem associated with a baby, a seven year old, a teenager and an overworked husband....not to mention the other stuff we're involved in...

Something usually has to give- and it's my WIP.....

So to stop myself from getting a bad case of the 'more guilts'...I am going away to write for four week while my husband manages the family during the second week of the school holidays...It will be good for him... he won't bring work home because it is already here!

To get my head into Wip mode I found this postcard on the phoenix home page!

Cool Huh!

I'd love to send it....

Greetings From Mars (Front) - This postcard was created using some of the first images that were returned by the Phoenix Mars Lander. Created by Jacob Egan and Jenny Mottar.


1 comment:

Tim Jones said...

The perfect combination for a blog - writing and Mars! Congratulations on your book coming out - may it be the first of many.

My own favourite Mars photo has made its way onto my blog:

Have you read Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy? The first two books in particular, Red Mars and Green Mars, are some of my very favourite SF.

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