Thursday, May 3, 2018

Swimming With The English Babel Fish.

This week an article from Publishing Perspectives caught my eye.
Non English speaking countries are seeing the tech revolution and rather than being left behind are encouraging their populations to learn English. It got me thinking about how many of these new readers we must be overlooking. Do we think to market in Turkmenistan? This is a fascinating article on diversity and the new lingua franca- English

Publishing Perspectives also had an article looking at a subscription model for children’s books. Amazon is offering a curated selection of PRINT books to be sent to your child on an ongoing basis.

Kris Rusch writes about cultural change this week. What happens when you are flavour of the month and then the flavours change? How many writing careers have been sabotaged by this thought?

This week Cambridge Analytica closed its doors... and authors wondered if was safe to dip their toe back into the FB water. With all the problems of author pages needing to be boosted all the time to get visibility two posts crossed my path this week on how to circle around this. Facebook Groups seem to be the answer. Joel Friedlander has an interesting guest post from Frances Caballo exploring 10 ways Authors can grow Facebook groups and Lois Hoffman has a neat article about how to build your author platform with Facebook groups

The Alliance of Independent Authors have a wealth of information, check out their recent conference page.... They also have some great articles like this one from John Doppler on piracy and impersonation and what you can do about it.

Jami Gold is aptly named because she dispenses craft writing tips that are pure gold. Head hopping in a story can be problematic for both the writer and the reader. Jami takes a look at how to avoid it. A must read.

Anne R Allen looks at writing a great first sentence. Here she details 22 first sentences that caught her eye and why they work. A must read.

In The Craft Section,

The secret to journaling -Wicked cozy authors

How to info dump without info dumping- September Faulks- Bookmark

Point of view- Reedsy

Plot isn’t story- K M Weiland- Bookmark

27 writer’s residencies... Go On Take A Look

Why you need grit- Aliadventures- Bookmark

In The Marketing Section,

Book cover design fundamentals- The Creative Penn

How to get Amazon reviews- Lisa Tener- Bookmark

May inspirations for author marketing – Penny Sansevieri- Bookmark

To Finish,

The inventor of the original Babel Fish, Douglas Adams, was a unique writer. If you loved Hitchhikers guide or Dirk Gently take a look at these top ten writing tips.


In my monthly newsletter I round up the best of the bookmarked craft and marketing links as well as some other bits and pieces. When you subscribe you will also get a nifty book crammed full with marketing notes. If you want who hit the coffee button this week... feel free, I appreciate the virtual coffee love.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Leaping The Fence

This week I’ve been dipping into the wonderful content from The Alliance of Indie Authors Online conference held last week. There are some really outstanding sessions so if you haven’t checked it out you must do so.

With Amazon tightening up on reviewers (throwing the baby out with the bath water) Anne R Allen has written a thoughtful post on Reviewers and the Amazon problem and why Reviewers are leaving. This post has been updated twice with new information since she wrote it earlier in the week. This is a must read.

Today was a DV pitch day on Twitter for children’s books. #DVpit is for writers who are pitching #ownvoices manuscripts to agents. Recently Bran Ayres guest posted on Jami Gold’s blog about the #ownvoices movement and what it means for authors and readers. (I learned a new word/term- catfishing.)

I try to watch or listen to a podcast a day as part of my own up-skilling in the publishing industry. Joanna Penn’s podcast this week was on The London Bookfair and what’s coming in the future... or next week. Joanna is a futurist and she has been pretty spot on over the last decade. Be aware that publishing always thinks in the long term... so you need to be thinking long term for your career too.

Someone who is definitely thinking long term is Marie Force. She is gathering together a group of Indie Authors to advocate on behalf of Indie Authors. Check out the new Indie Support Network

While we are on futurist ideas, this little video crossed my path this week. Drama audiophiles this is for you... Once you watch it... your mind will open up to all sorts of possibilities.

From voice to video, where Diana Wink recently guest posted on Joanna Penn’s blog. Diana explains how to make a book trailer like a Hollywood director. If you are thinking video is too hard- take a look... maybe the time is right.

Two authors I have huge respect for are Kris Rusch and Melinda Szymanik.

Kris recently had to move towns for her health and found herself floundering in the upheaval. That’s when she made an important discovery- schedules and how important they are to the full time writer and why.

Melinda has been thinking lately about the barriers to writing. What barriers is your brain putting up and why? She offers some solutions and some practical advice... read it and conquer!

In The Craft Section,

The destructive power of the lie- Angela Ackerman- Bookmark

Deepening story theme- Jami Gold- Bookmark

Emotional Shielding- Becca Puglisi- Bookmark

In The Marketing Section,

How to connect with book clubs- Funds for Writers

What marketing is- Career Author

Write a Killer Amazon Bio- IndieReader- Bookmark

How to produce Book Promo Video- Writers Digest- Bookmark

To Finish,

I have recommended Canva every day this week to someone. After the third time I began to take note. All the requests were differently phrased so it wasn’t a hot new problem that needed a Canva solution but just general stuff... and Canva was the best solution. David Gaughran thinks so too. He has a great post on making killer promo graphics in Canva. If you haven’t checked it out- you should... best of all ... it’s free.


I round up the best of the bookmarked craft and marketing links as well as some other bits and pieces in a monthly newsletter. When you subscribe you will also get a nifty book crammed full with marketing notes.

Pic: Flickr Creative Commons / Alan Levine

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