Brian Falkners book 'The Tomorrow Code' launched in the English speaking world....on the 28th and his Cool Book Website also went live.
What I like about Brian's website for the book is his attention to detail.
You want to know about some of the science...it's there
morse code...it's there
The Haka...a video shows you how to do it....
Brian....Well Done Mate!....(you know that conference we are having next September....)
It's really great to watch a Kiwi having a crack at the world book market...and such a great children's writer makes it all the sweeter....
I've been meaning to read this! I'll up it on the list. It looks amazing!
Hi Tricia,
I haven't read this one yet but based on knowing Brian's other books...It will be a fast paced, page turning, adventure packed, great read!
Oh that I could write my current WIP like that...I mean fast;)I get so caught up in the research...oh was i supposed to be writing???
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