I commented recently on Melindas blog about what writers should be doing now we are in a recession....(Go to Melindas blog... I know you read her anyway...)
Anyway I came across this post by Jane Friedman on the topic...great minds...
Jane says...
Writers must be involved with online life and expect to provide online content, and have an online presence. I’d say your career will come to an abrupt halt in a few years if you’re not willing to participate, market, promote, or engage in online activities and audiences.
Go here to read the rest of the article.
lots of food for thought
pic is Jane Friedman-managing editor of Writers Digest...Her Blog 'There Are No Rules' is a must read.
I think her advice is good, but I find the tricky thing is to strike a balance between promoting one's own work, and not being too pushy and alienating potential buyers of your book. I'm never too sure where to draw that line.
well said Tim...
From all my reading on marketing and e-marketing (trying to make sense of 'the brave new world' out there in publishing land...)the web presence for authors shows publishers that you are at least up with the play digitally as more and more publishing is going to rely on viral publicity...they must have a web presence so their content providers must have one too!
That's where brandiing of authors comes in...and working to be on the top of the google search page.
I have a blog post swirling around in my head at the moment about what I learned in my 90 minutes with Stacy(US children's writer) when I caught up with her on her flying trip here.
When I have figured it all out I'll post it.(but it is along the lines of your comment...the US are just way more ahead of us...)
I think what you are doing is great! You are introducing new readers to your blog by having guest interviews...spreading the word through your guest networks...and thus you are lifting your name profile...so that when people come across your book you are more likely to get a sale. It won't happen overnight but it will happen....
Also you are a hell of a nice guy!
Hi Maureen. I've just popped over to your blog and 'I like! I like!' I'm also keen on astronomy and find the Sombrero breathtaking. Thanks for the info on CNZ cutting professional development funding: we need a sort of CNZ watchdog I think to see what's really going on. (Although i guess we are in a recession).
Hi Harvey,
Yes the sombrero is amazing. I've got a stack of pictures that I am dying to use...I have a private fantasy (shh don't tell anyone...)of having a series of books with covers just of amazing space photographs...no words...just the photo. I even know which ones I'd like...
The CNZ decision was just for the proff development conference for children's writers, which I am co convening..we still want to have the conference...but now we are looking for sponsorship... we could have done lots with the money...like some international speakers but it will still be a stellar conference in September next year. (I could show my slideshow...that's stellar!)
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