Showing posts with label writing plans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing plans. Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Feeling The Bat...

This morning an Artist friend posted that a UK choreographer had contacted her about  creating a dance piece based around a piece of art she had done a while ago. ‘I feel like a real artist,’ she said...and my reply ‘Can I slap you upside the head YOU ARE A REAL ARTIST!

There has been a lot of head slapping this week  in the blogosphere.

First up, Amazon is now posting Author’s ranking. 
Where are you in the list in your genre etc etc...Do you care? Are you obsessed?...
John Scalzi takes a hard look at what’s going on in Amazon land and slaps authors upside the head. Get over it. It’s marketing and here is what you do....Great article from John (and if you haven’t read his stuff, I recommend it!)

Jody Hedlund took a look at blogging authors... and promotes a voice of reason...this discussion is going all over the blogosphere and there are some very good comments in there.

Susan Kaye Quinn is all fired up about Denise Swanks business plan for writing...something that every writer should have.

Joanna Penn explains what she would do now if she was starting out (creating her mega impact on the publishing writing blogosphere) knowing what she knows. Great Advice! (must find the timer!)

Problogger has 8 non writing apps for writers....some good ones in here....

Larry Brooks sits down and shares what he has just learned in the last 6 months analysing 100 books for his new project. He calls it a bat upside the head....

Over in the craft section,

Adventures in CYA publishing has 6 tests of solid story premises. (great post referencing Larry Brooks.)

LiveWriteThrive show how to make your plots bigger! (bat upside your characters head)

Elisabeth Spann Craig explains to a writer how you choose what to read in the genre you write...(some people need that bat....)

Mark Nicol of Daily Writing tips is on the warpath, with the bat, over the inability of people to use an the write place!
and Catherine Ryan Howard tells you how to proof your Createspace paperback...without resorting to violence.

Ava Jae wants writers to explore different universes when they get stuck creatively in their work...(use the bat as a crutch)

To finish,
If you are looking to turn the writing world on its head...Follow the Will Smith model. Duolit, (great team) tells you how to do it.

or a hospital bed!


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