Showing posts with label 12x12 PB challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 12x12 PB challenge. Show all posts

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Bring Out The Whips


This week in publishing,

Publishing Perspectives reports on a great initiative by Poland to ensure artists get paid pensions and other benefits. Are we seeing the start of a movement to value artists with a Universal Basic Income? 


Mark Williams of The New Publishing Standard has an interesting report from Brazil on the resilience of their publishing industry. They report a growth of 29% and Mark reports that these numbers are being reflected in other countries where they have committed to digital publishing along with traditional models. 


Traditional publishing relies on paper and printers being able to access ink and paper. The Bookseller reports a worrying trend. Publishers are noticing a hike in printing prices of almost 40%. It is coming down the track fast so if it hasn’t got to your publisher, it will soon. This tightening is going to see book prices rise, which will impact all other strands of the industry.


Jane Friedman has an interesting post on what film agents look for when they want to option a book for the screen. She shares information gleaned from an international panel she attended at Bologna.

The Alliance of Independent Authors has just put together a comprehensive article on how to negotiate an option agreement.


Kris Rusch has another post in her year in review where she looks at new tools that have popped up to help authors publish. She talks about the overwhelm that authors can face with all the ways you can publish now. You don’t have to do everything! But being aware of what’s out there is probably a good place to start.


William Hahn has an interesting guest post on Anne R Allen's blog this week dealing with Writers Block. Writers Block brings out the worst to ourselves. – How we beat ourselves up over our inability to write words can just prolong the agony. He has some great advice- and examples for how to diagnose the problem then treat it.


Writer Unboxed has a similar message from Kelsey Allagood – four ways to silence your inner comments section. This is the insidious little voice that sabotages you right when you don’t need it. 


It’s January and that means it is time to drop into the 12x12 picture book challenge. If you have been wanting to challenge yourself and write in this medium – Take a look.

Draft 2 Digital has 5 tools to help you reach your writing goals.

In The Craft Section,

Editing tips- Kristen Lamb

Do’s and Dont’s of story beginnings- Story Empire

Two halves of the inciting incident- K M Weiland - Bookmark

4 tips for writing trauma disclosure- Lisa Hall-Wilson - Bookmark

Writing magic in a real world setting- Liz Keller Whitehurst- Bookmark


In The Marketing Section,

3 image types to boost social media- Sandra Beckwith- Bookmark

Reach more readers through guest posting- Joanna Penn

Using back matter to sell books- Bookbub- Bookmark

Cover design mistakes – DIYMFA- Bookmark

How to get more publicity- Penny Sansevieri- Bookmark


To Finish,

Cory Doctorow has been vocal leader and advocate of using the internet for the freedom of information. He was part of the team that came up with Creative Commons licenses and has written popular books exploring digital literacy along with his technological thrillers. This week he wrote a warning to everyone who uses creative commons pictures about a new type of super predator who is exploiting a loophole in the creative commons license. The warning is serious and accordingly, I have begun to remove some of my blog pictures. I have always tried to source creative commons pictures and link back to the original site. Until the situation is clearer, I will just have a generic text picture on my weekly blog. Boring, I know. I feel for Cory – whom I’ve met, and how incensed he must be that his most excellent gift to the internet community is used in this way.

Meanwhile, I received an email today to say that cloned pages are alive and well and targeting major publishers here in NZ. See my September 2021 blog post about these scummy scammers.


Just imagine a picture of an old-time circus wild animal trainer as the heading picture this week.

Bring Out The Whips. 





Do you want the best of my bookmarked links in a handy monthly newsletter? When you subscribe you will also get a nifty mini book crammed with marketing notes as a thank you. 

If you like the blog and want to shout me a coffee, hit the coffee button up top. I appreciate the virtual coffee love. Thanks.



Friday, January 15, 2021

And We're Off...

 I’m Back…

Yes, this blog is one day late. It will not be a trend for the year. (Way to go, Maureen, starting 2021 with an apology… OTOH isn’t that how we feel about 2021? It is supposed to be better than 2020.)


Over the Southern Hemisphere Summer, I tried to take a complete media and screen break. It worked some of the time…

This week I’m back in the swing of things researching, writing, and twiddling with my current WIP. I was on a roll yesterday with Pomodoro sprint writing so didn’t stop to get the blog done.

The posts that caught my eye over summer were the usual, what will 2021 be like for writers, what can we learn from 2020, and wow, what a great idea. 


Written Word Media has a post on the top ten trends authors need to know about 2021.

If you have been keeping an eye on publishing news, the shrinking of the Big Publishers is on that list. Let’s buy up publishers screamed accountants. (Obviously, they know where the money is- authors backlist IP) Publishing Perspectives reports that Aussie Illustrator Robert Ingpen’s backlist of titles, owned by one publishing house has been on-sold to a new publishing house. 

In other acquisitions, over Christmas, a hedge fund bought Overdrive the Ebook library service and now there are rumours that Wattpad may be on the block. If you haven’t checked into how big Wattpad has become, Mark Williams of The New Publishing Standard has all the info and the rumoured price tag. (Eye-popping.) And just in, Nate Hoffelder reports that The Book Designer site has been sold to a dubious operator…. 


Looking back at 2020, Writer Beware had a rundown of all the scammy behaviour that popped up over 2020. Some of these scams are still ongoing. Don’t forget to familiarise yourself with the bad actors out there. Fore Warned is Fore Armed. I have just seen a reference to a new scam this week, Negative reviews on your books, which will be taken down by the reviewer… for a price. (Don’t engage… coz then they know you are a soft touch.)


Paula Munier has a handy roundup of writing lessons learned over 2020. These are timely reminders. Also, no idea, however weird, is too weird. Just think over the real-life plotlines of 2020 for a moment. (Or even the first two weeks of 2021…)

Nothing is to ‘out there’ anymore. 


Colleen Story thinks writers should take more risks this year. She has five reasons why this is a good thing. 

If you are wanting a challenge for 2021, the 12x12 Picture Book Challenge is open for the next month. Every year I vow that one day I must do this challenge. I’m in awe of my fellow writers who can write picture books... It is a special skill.


The Alliance of Independent Authors has a great roundup of Tech resources for authors for you to bookmark and investigate over the year ahead.


If you have been following the blog for many years. (12+) you will know I am a fan of author collectives. There is nothing like a group of authors to cheer you on. Recently Bookbub profiled a group of authors who got together to write a series set in a joint world. They are having a lot of fun. I know a couple of authors who are doing this with writer buddies- Cue writer envy- Such a cool thing to do. Check out how they make it work.


Alison Williams has a guest post on Jane Friedman’s blog. This is a must read for a great tip to get your manuscript from first draft to second draft to ready to publish. (Everybody cue your movie trailer voices.)


In The Craft Section,

Write yourself a bad review- K M Weiland- Bookmark

Editors share their top tips- Emma Lombard

The vital importance of your writing community- John Peregine

10 quick tips to make your writing craft better- Diane Glazman- Bookmark

Inner conflict- reflecting the inner struggle - Janice Hardy - Bookmark


In The Marketing Section,

10 Smart book promotion services- Penny Sansevieri – Bookmark

How to price your self-published book

Book Promotion a marathon, not a sprint- Sharon Bially- Bookmark

How to declutter your book marketing- Pauline Wiles

How to market your Kindle book- Penny Sansevieri


Video on marketing on YouTube- This is by musician Mary Spender- It deals with musician income, however, this could be a heads up for the future as the book industry is following the music industry- (Subscription streaming services anyone?)


To Finish,

The Fabulous Spa Girls are back with tips on how to set goals for your writing year. They have a series of Golden Questions to answer which then make setting goals for the coming year so much easier. Then you can drop into Michael Hyatt’s website to learn about SMARTER goals, to put them into place.


2021… Here we come.





Do you want the best of my bookmarked links in a handy monthly newsletter? When you subscribe you will also get a nifty mini book crammed full with marketing notes as a thank you. 

If you like the blog and want to shout me a coffee, hit the coffee button up top. I appreciate the virtual coffee love. Thanks.




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